
Oh Hey!

I’m like really excited to meet you, but first I wanted to introduce myself.

I’m Lauren!

Mom of 4 and 3x surrogate, that’s right I’ve birthed 7 hoomans! no, they aren’t all mine.

I’m a huge lover of capturing the stages of motherhood. I have a pretty big family myself and capturing the fleeting moments of life ranks pretty high on my scale of importance. I started my career 8 years ago when my third baby was born. Since then I’ve made it my mission to freeze these moments and share my mad skillz with the world.

I love long walks on the beach with flowy maternity gowns, sunsets with bomb lighting, Starbucks while I edit, classic rock on Pandora, and Krispy Kreme donuts. Oh, and my kids—duh. When I’m not shooting you’ll find me eyeball deep in my huge bed binge watching Netflix.